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Author Website for Hamilton Wende

Best Author Websites

What do the best author websites have in common? by Kim Vermaak One of the best things about this Author Website is how it blends Hamilton Wende’s career as a journalist with his experience as a TV producer and a novelist. The moment you open the website, the image shows him in the field as […]

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Why Should Writers Use Hashtags?

by Kim Vermaak Why should writers use hashtags? Good question. Before I started marketing my books, I thought hashtags were a cute form of slang that the current generation was using. Plus, I could not understand why there were no spaces between the words. It just seems like bad editing. I was happy to leave

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Why are Author Newsletters Important?

Authors often ask, “Why are author newsletters important?” It is an important question when you are time strapped.  On average, people buy from people they like. This is why many companies employ customer relationship managers. They are there to build relationships. Readers are no different. They want to get to know the writer, understand why

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