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StoryOrigin Product Review

StoryOrigin Product Review

I see StoryOrigin as a Personal Assistant and so in this StoryOrigin Product Review, I evaluate the programme on the results it delivers as a system.

Scroll down for my rating on specific points in this StoryOrigin product review

StoryOrigin Product Review



Super-charge your book marketing!

Like many writers, I started part time, snatching pockets of time to write my first book.

I regularly wrestled with self doubt and had to find ways to patch up my self-esteem when my well-meaning circle of influence poked holes in my dreams. 

My first meaningful conversation about books happened inside the celebrated Skoobs bookshop, a gem nestled in Monte Casino in Johannesburg. Sadly, the beautiful book store that launched hundreds of self-published author’s journeys did not survive the pandemic, but the advice of the grand dame of the book world, Deborah… has served me well over the years.

She said, “Kim, start a newsletter and build yourself a database of potential readers and build from there.” The newsletter was not a problem. I had worked with Mailchimp and Mailerlite before and knew my way around the programmes pretty well… but the audience, now there was the problem. I didn’t feel comfortable reaching out to my former business contacts. They were just in the wrong market, and I did not want to violate any anti sharing database laws. My database of people who knew me as an author was TINY and very few of them even read my genre.

As an entrepreneur and marketing graduate, I had completed enough courses and start up business programs to know that access to a market is a key component to success. As a business owner, I had won a prestigious business award, but as a new author, I faced a new, unknown market. No corporate big money or contracts, just a sea of faceless individuals who I had no clue how to find.

I realised why so many authors stop at writing their books when faced with the book marketing giant in their path. It is the reason that 45% of people I interviewed said that they sold nothing past their first month of launching their book on Amazon.

Those are disheartening statistics, and I did not want to fall into that statistical pool of despair. Eager to grow, I reached out to one of the writing groups I was a member of and they introduced me to StoryOrigin.

At first glance, StoryOrigin can be a bit terrifying.

The founder Evan Gow wanted to create one programme that would combine the many needs of a growing author. It was a worthy goal that I wholeheartedly endorse. However, servicing all these needs means that the dashboard has SO many things on it that it could tempt you to think you need a college degree or a World War II code breaking skill just to figure it out.

You have two options… One is to figure it out for yourself and there are enough excellent tutorials to help you.

You just allocate enough time to go through them.

The second option is that you could get an onboarding specialist to help you. Over time, I have become an onboarding specialist, but that is another story.

Or you could hound Evan, who is probably the best after sales person I have ever come across, but as the system grows, I would wager he is going to have more time constraints on his hands.

But let’s get back to the review.

StoryOrigin Product Review: My Personal Favourite Parts This Author Programme

There are a lot of authors who have written a StoryOrigin product review, but as an entrepreneur, I know my personal battle is to find the shortcut to success using the most affordable systems available, so my review of the product is based on my view of the StoryOrigin system.

I see StoryOrigin as a Personal Assistant and so I evaluate the programme on the results it delivers as a system.

What I want from an author business system

But how do I gain access to this market?

StoryOrigin has a beautiful system that packages all these tools for me into one programme.

  • To get more subscribers to my newsletters, so that I have a warm audience when I launch my books.

StoryOrigin Delivers

  • To find more of the right readers for my genre.

StoryOrigin Delivers

  • To get more reviews so that I can get more visibility of Amazon, BookBub and Goodreads.

StoryOrigin Delivers

  • To get more Kindle Unlimited Sales on Amazon.

StoryOrigin Delivers

StoryOrigin Product Review

You can pop over to look at the StoryOrigin dashboard. But in all honesty, as a new author, the dashboard does not show out simplicity, which is sad because many authors stop at this point and never realise the full benefit of the programme. I know it took me a while to find out what worked for me. So I am taking a different approach and am sharing with you what my experience is like on a daily basis.

A Day in My Life a StoryOrigin User

This morning when I opened my emails I saw the following message:

Amazing…. My StoryOrigin PA has reminded me to head on over and have a look to see who applied to my promo.

Subject: Group Promo Application on StoryOrigin

Author XXX wants to join your “Free prequel Fantasy & Sci-Fi Novellas” Group Promo and included the following message.

You can review the request by clicking below.

What is a StoryOrigin promo you ask?

StoryOrigin is a cross-promotional marketing tool for authors which is designed to help authors work together to build their email lists, increase sales and Kindle Unlimited page reads, and get more reviews.

I use these promotions to:

  1. Grow my database with new sign ons using my reader magnet
  2. Find reviewers for my latest books
  3. Get more Kindle Unlimited page reads
  4. Connect with other authors in my genre

Here is an example of of of my past promotions Promotions

StoryOrigin cross Promotion example

This cross promo has free reader magnets. The participating authors send this promotion to all their readers and this enables us all to get more readers. Over the pandemic I grew over 1000 people on my database using this system alone.

Subject: Accepted Group Promo Application on StoryOrigin

Author XXX accepted your group promo application.

“The Guarded Heart: A Medieval Christmas Romance Short Story” will be included in the “Festive Kindle Reads” Group Promo.

When you promote this group promotion to your audience, please use your tracking link

What is a tracking link?

Tracking links count the number of clicks that you send to the landing page you’re promoting. Using this link is important as the other authors you cross-promote with on StoryOrigin can see how many clicks you send.

Subject: New Group Promos

What does this prompt do?

I have set up a request to be notified every time an author creates a promo that meets the categories that I have asked to be notified about. 

Yes, the platform does seem complicated at first… but you can treat it as like a buffet and pick up only the bits that you want. I am much more of a strategist. I know I have limited time and so I started learning one aspect at a time until I found my sweet spot.  

Now that I am familiar with all the aspects, I see the programme very differently. I have to ask, how much does a Personal Assistant cost these days? For the cost of two to three cappuccinos a month, I get all those cool built in technology that is like a Virtual Book assistant sitting on one programme and I love it. Sometimes I have clients who ask me to just take care of it all for them, because they just don’t want to learn another programme or they don’t want to take their focus off their main income source. I have “once off” clients who I do set up for and I have retainer clients who I work with every month. But as a serious novelist and someone who quite frankly loves marketing, I love tinkering around in my StoryOrigin programme.

In the upcoming weeks, I plan to unpack some more of the special gems that StoryOrigin has to offer, but for now I hope I have given enough insight to know that you are not alone in your author journey and that there are tools to help you cost efficiently and cost effectively build your author career.

StoryOrigin is by far the best collaboration software that I have investigated.

StoryOrigin Pricing

Storyorigin Author Software

Standard Plan

If you want to build your mailing list, increase sales, and find reviewers

Group promos
Newsletter swaps
Collect reader email addresses
Integrate email service providers
Gather beta copy feedback
Vet review history & completion
Automate reviewer follow-up
Distribute & track audiobook promo codes
Unlimited file delivery
Tech support for readers
Schedule newsletter content
Universal retail links
Facebook tracking pixel
Amazon affiliate tags
Track word count goals

StoryOrigin Product Review based on my needs


Excellent value.

 This costs the same as a few cups of coffee a month. If you can, I recommend the annual plan, so you can forget about monthly debit orders.

Five Star Review for StoryOrigin


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Author marketing tool


If you are willing to put in the work, this product does what it says and more. I find all my reviewers here and my list newsletter list just grows and grows.

Five Star Review for StoryOrigin


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Ease of Use

Overwhelming at first.

This product has so many amazing author marketing tools hosted in one place. For a new author, that can seem daunting. But it is worth persevering.

Star Review for StoryOrigin


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Customer support

Best I have come across

The StoryOrigin developer is approachable and quick to respond. If you are in another country, give it a bit of time as there is a time zone difference. The system is continually upgrading with more fictionality. I would have given this a 6 star rating if I could, but as the system grows, I feel the developer may need to appoint some support staff.

Four Star StoryOrigin Review


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Online tutorials


You can find everything you need in the online tutorials. It is time consuming, but worth persevering. Guided onboarding is available.

Four Star StoryOrigin Review


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Time needed to learn


Honestly, I wish I had taken the time to learn this faster. I have two newsletter lists and the second one’s growth was much faster based on what I learned in the first one.

If you are a part-time author and can afford it, get yourself a virtual assistant to help you.

StoryOrigin star review


StoryOrigin Product Review rating


My favourite part 

The system also offers seemless integration with your database. So when someone signs onto your newsletter through StoryOrgin, it automatically updates your newsletter service provider list.

Sorry, you still have to write your newsletters, connect with authors and load your newsletters.

Five Star Review for StoryOrigin


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Overall rating

Well worth it

The system also offers seemless integration with your database. So when someone signs onto your newsletter through StoryOrgin, it automatically updates your newsletter service provider list.

Sorry, you still have to write your newsletters, connect with authors and load your newsletters.

StoryOrigin Product Review


StoryOrigin Product Review rating

Hello, I am Kim Vermaak

I spent most of my adult life helping other companies build their dream and their brands.

After I turned 40, I wondered if there was more to life than taking care of children and slaving away to earn a living.

I wanted to create a legacy for my children and the next generation. I found that through my books I could celebrate who I am as well as teach others to earn a living through their writing.

Being an author is not a hobby. It is a business, and it is my passion to teach authors how to thrive in that business. I look forward to seeing your book business grow.

Your Book Whisperer


Kim Vermaak is a South African born author, speaker, trainer and bookstore owner

BookSirens is a legitimate resource for authors and readers alike that can help readers find books they’ll love, while matching authors with prospective reviewers so they can get more honest reviews.

What Kim was able to offer me in terms of insight, price with her experience in understanding the needs of authors was outstanding. Kim is not only creative, but she takes on your views and comments willingly and it’s professional open process.
Bruce Cuttman
Horror Author

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