Reader Magnets: Build Your Author Platform and Sell more Books on Kindle
Building a successful author career depends on three things... You need to attract the right readers to your work. You need to convert "curious visitors" into fans. And you need to turn "fans" into "buyers". You can do all this with Reader Magnets. Reader Magnets are what bring readers to YOU.
by Kim Vermaak
Build Your Author Platform and Sell more Books on Kindle
When a reviewer uses the words face paced, action, you tend to think of fiction. But Nick Stephenson’s book is a hard-hitting, action driven, non-fiction book aimed at the self-published author. He cuts out all the fluff and gives you the action steps you need to take to propel your career with reader magnets. The focus of this book is to build your author platform and sell more books on kindle.
He has some impressive reviews including New York Times & USA Today best-selling author Joanna Penn praising the book.
It is a quick read and I read it in a single sitting during one of South Africa’s notorious load shedding sessions. While I started actively using reader magnets during the lockdown, there were some fundamentals that I missed. I cleared my diary for the next five days and sprang to action. I started tweaking my offering and saw some improved results very quickly.
This book is not for procrastinators. It is for serious authors who are willing to take action. If you do not have the time to do all these techniques, then dig into your pocket and pay someone to implement them for you.
Kim Vermaak is an entrepreneur, published author, marketer and coach based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Kim helps self-published authors to move from being hobbyists to full-time businesses.
She served a term of office as the Vice Chair of the Johannesburg Business Women’s Association and is a former winner of the Regional Start of Business of the Year. Kim is also a former Cosmopolitan Mover of the Months and a recipient of the Women of Wonder “I Conquer Awards.”
After working in branding for almost all of her adult life and helping hundreds of brand managers and event coordinators build customer relationships, she craved creative something that would create a legacy for her family. When South Africa had its first series of power cuts, Kim used the power of stories to create stories for her frightened daughter. This was the start of her storytelling skill set, but she only wrote and published her first stories when a friend introduced her to the world of self publishing. Kim is the publisher of a medieval fantasy range of books and an author of self-help publishing books.
Kim offers some free training for authors on her YouTube Channel.

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