Little Voice Mastery has probably had the biggest initial influence on my author career. When I started writing I was plaques with thoughts of what if I am not good enough to be a writer? What if no one likes my work?
These kinds of thoughts are what Blair Singer talks about in his self-development book Little Voice Mastery. Although I really enjoyed the entire book, there was a specific statement in the book which propelled me to complete my first novel. No matter what voice you have inside your head that is stopping you from taking action and stepping into your destiny, you can use the techniques in this book to manage your mindset.
I highly recommend this book for anyone starting with a new project and are facing feelings of self doubt.
This is what the publisher says about this book:
Little Voice Mastery is about… How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life! The Little Voice lives in that short six-inch span between your right ear and your left ear. What’s awesome is you can master it in 30 seconds or less and have an extraordinary life. This book de-bunks much of the popular thought about personal growth and gets you down and dirty with real-world, right-now techniques that will help you make profound changes in your life immediately. Blair Singer Little Voice mastery will give you the ability to: Maintain your power in any pressure situation Stop the debilitating chatter in your brain so you can attract what you want now Uncover and realize your lifelong dreams Break through self-sabotaging habits Build powerful, lasting confidence Resurrect the hero inside of you Embody 21 proven techniques to re-programming the Little Voice in your brain in 30 seconds Blair Singer is the acclaimed author of SalesDogs and The abcs of Building a Business Team that Wins and one of Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad’s Advisors. He has worked with hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations in over 15 countries, helping them increase their income and wealth through little voice management and skill training in the real world of sales, team, money and relationships. When it comes to winning… it s ALL up here! Robert Kiyosaki, entrepreneur, investor, educator and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.
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Kim Vermaak is an entrepreneur, published author, marketer and coach based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Kim helps self-published authors to move from being hobbyists to full-time businesses.
She served a term of office as the Vice Chair of the Johannesburg Business Women’s Association and is a former winner of the Regional Start of Business of the Year. Kim is also a former Cosmopolitan Mover of the Months and a recipient of the Women of Wonder “I Conquer Awards.”
After working in branding for almost all of her adult life and helping hundreds of brand managers and event coordinators build customer relationships, she craved creative something that would create a legacy for her family. When South Africa had its first series of power cuts, Kim used the power of stories to create stories for her frightened daughter. This was the start of her storytelling skill set, but she only wrote and published her first stories when a friend introduced her to the world of self publishing.
Kim is the publisher of a medieval fantasy range of books and an author of self-help publishing books.
Kim offers some free training for authors on her YouTube Channel.
I am a writer merchandice
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