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Why Should You Have An Amazon Author Page?

by Kim Vermaak

As with any brand, you must actively build your author name, so that it is recognisable in your reader’s mind. Your Amazon Author page is one method for you to establish trust with your potential reader.

What is an Amazon Author Page?

You may ask, what exactly is an Amazon author page? This is a page on Amazon that is your home base for you and your books. Think of it as the Ambassador page in each territory that you are in. It contains all links to all your books, and it will contain additional information to help you establish your name as a writer on that platform. That could include links to your blog. While it is not essential to have a blog, if you do, then you should certainly link through to your blog on your author page.

New authors often think that by opening an Amazon account and loading their books that their job on Amazon is finished. But opening an Amazon author account does not automatically give you the author profile. You must create this manually as a separate process and Amazon will first have to verify you before you can start populating the page. So expect this to be a multi-step process. You start by opening the page and adding minimal details and then, after versification is complete, you can then populate the page with more details.

Things that you can add to the page include.

Your photo

Your bio

Your books

Video links

An RSS feed to your blog.

If you are wondering why this is even important, then think about the brand that Amazon has and how they work. Website browsers searching for your name will often end up on Amazon because of the weight of their brand.. When your author career has grown to the stage where people are actively looking for you, and they’re searching for either your character’s name or your name, Amazon can send them to your author page. It is important that you optimise this page in the same way that we optimise our product pages. 

You want to make sure that the author page looks great and has all the information that readers need to find out more about you. As you grow, you will also be able to create a series page and so your Amazon Profile is going to grow as your catalogue of books grows.  

Once you have set up your Author Page up, you will also find a “Customers Also Bought Items by” section. This is where Amazon shows which other authors what your customers bought books from. Eventually, as you grow, your name will appear on other authors that they align your genre with and that will help you grow your readership.

This may seem overwhelming. But it is so far better to set up your Amazon account and Amazon Author profile account professionally at the start than to try to fix it up later when you need to be focusing on your writing.

Happy Writing.

 Copyright: Kim Vermaak, Write Learn and Earn 2021

Hello, I am Kim Vermaak


I spent most of my adult life helping other companies build their dream and their brands.

After I turned 40, I wondered if there was more to life than taking care of children and slaving away to earn a living.

I wanted to create a legacy for my children and the next generation. I found that through my books I could celebrate who I am as well as teach others to earn a living through their writing.

Being an author is not a hobby. It is a business, and it is my passion to teach authors how to thrive in that business. I look forward to seeing your book business grow.

Your Book Whisperer


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